Billy Joel's "The stranger" 30th Anniversary to be released on July 8, 2008!
Curt Collins "Another day"

"Open Road", fifth album by Silence is now available!


The project SILENCE was created in 1996 by multi-instrumentist Bruno Levesque. After several years in different bands, he wanted to play his own music without any compromise and started his own instrumental solo project called SILENCE. His last experiments consolidated him in the idea that one is never so useful  than by oneself. In 1997, Bruno recorded the first SILENCE self-produced album called "The Fifth Season". Three years later, he recorded a second instrumental album called "Trouble in  Paradise", released by the french Melodic Metal label BRENNUS MUSIC. 

The good feedback encouraged him to carry on with the help of a singer. The meeting with Jerome Cazard took place in early 2001 and two albums were released : UTOPIA and NOSTALGIA. A new chapter is now opening with the arrival of Ben Venet from the belgian band JAYHAWKERS on vocals. The result of this new collaboration is "OPEN ROAD", SILENCE's 5th album!

Produced and mixed at PL17 Studio by Bruno LEVESQUE, the album is ready to hit the charts soon...

OPEN ROAD is made of 13 new original melodic rock tracks (from classic AOR to modern rock with a touch of new country).

Buy the cd!


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