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Steve Overland returns with "Break away"


Escape Music is pleased to announce the release date for the much anticipated solo album from Steve Overland on May 21 in Europe and Japan!
This has been a long time coming! Steve Overland is a legend in his own lifetime. Is there anyone out there who is not familiar with his name? He has a history that goes way back into the late seventies, his first major recording was with the band Wildlife in 1980, their first album "Burning" was a fine introduction to his vocal prowess. The second album "Wildlife" in 1983 extended his popularity, the album also featured Simon Kirke (Bad Company) on drums. After the demise of "Wildlife" Steve went on to form the cult British melodic rock band FM, a band that released many great albums throughout the eighties and nineties. The recent one-off performance at the Firefest in Nottingham last year had an enthusiastic crowd bursting at the seams. Their popularity has always been at the forefront of British Hard Rock.

Steve originally teamed up with Escape Music to provide lead vocals for the Boston Tribute album (ESM 081), singing 'Amanda', one of the album highlights. With Steve working alongside Escape Music, the 'FM' radio came out of the closet once more, a fine triple album "Long Time No See" (ESM 086) featuring the three albums "Paraphernalia", "Aphrodisiac" and Live at the Astoria. And the double disc Long Lost Friends ESM121 (Dead Man's Shoes and Takin' it to the Streets) More recently Steve teamed up with Steve Morris of Heartland fame to record the much acclaimed Shadowman albums Land of the Living (ESM 099) and Different Angles (ESM127). A third recording is in the pipeline.

More recently we have seen two releases by The Ladder, which is a dream come true for all fans of FM as the band is an extension of the great FM. Future Miracles (ESM109) was welcome by fans old and new and it was hailed by many as the best album of 2004. More recently Sacred (ESM149) is an album that hones the identity of "The Ladder". What we have here is melodic rock that reflects the times, with the classic Overland vocals.

So here we now have a Steve Overland solo outing which is beautifully different in many ways. Steve has worked with some top ranking musicians and producers on his solo CD (check the credits above!) which truly shows in the final result. We could go on and look at this track by track, but this is Steve Overland we are talking of here. His popularity is enormous and this Solo CD is the best he has ever done, perhaps the most anticipated release of 2008…

The above has been taken from www.melodicrock.com with thanks.


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